========================================== Setting up the APAF build System on debian ========================================== install debian build tools http://ghantoos.org/2008/10/19/creating-a-deb-package-from-a-python-setuppy/ http://wiki.debian.org/Python/Packaging # apt-get install build-essential dpkg-dev debhelper devscripts fakeroot install apaf dependencies $ apt-get install tor python-twisted python-pip $ pip install pygeoip ipaddr pyYAML checkout branch debian build debian with $ python setup.py sdist -d .. update changelog (how?) $ debuild Updating relase --------------- Use `debchange` to change your changelog with `debchange -a`, then make a new release `debchange -r` Build apaf with `python setup.py sdist` and, after being sure to have set up you gpg configuration, make the debian package with `$ dpkg-buildpackage -i -Ifakeroot`. Done!